Our Services
Clinical Counseling Associates offers a variety of innovative services to meet the needs of our clients. Therapists use modern approaches to create an individualized treatment plan that is unique to each individual and their life experiences. Below is information on available services. Schedule an appointment today to begin your therapeutic journey.

Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is a process where an individual works with a trained therapist to help process feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, or work towards a desired change. Individuals may work on a variety of topics, including depression, anxiety, trauma or PTSD, addiction, grief, or major life challenges (e.g., divorce). This process may last for as few as five sessions, or for a year or more, depending on each individual's unique needs and goals.

Couples Therapy
CCA offers services for couples in intimate relationships experiencing a variety of difficulties. This can include ongoing conflicts, miscommunication, difficulty problem-solving, trust recovery, parenting, and negotiating roles. CCA has several Gottman trained therapists to assist couples in creating a stronger relationship foundation and help them gain insight into their relationship. CCA’s therapists primarily see both partners together for most sessions. However, occasionally some individual sessions will be needed to better understand each individual’s perspective. If you would like to improve the quality of your relationship, let us assist you.

Family Therapy
Family Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that addresses family dynamics that cause distress. CCA has several therapists who specialize in the unique dynamics of family therapy. Typical goals include reducing conflict in the home, dealing with devastating experiences such as loss of a loved one or moving, being successful when adding a new family member (birth, adoption, or marriage), empty nest dynamics, major life transitions, working through abuse or addiction. At CCA, our therapists create a safe environment for a families to experience healing and growth.

First Responder & Military Services
CCA is renowned for services provided to first responders, military personnel, and their families. Several clinicians at CCA specialize and are passionate about providing services to this important population. Services are available for firefighters, law enforcement officers, dispatchers, paramedics, EMT's, active duty military personnel, veterans, and other individuals designated or trained to respond to an emergency.

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy
CCA has several EMDR trained and certified therapists. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) - EMDR is a type of therapy to help individuals process through upsetting memories or events in life (past, present, or future). During EMDR, the therapist guides clients through some type of bilateral stimulation (such as moving the eyes or tapping hands back and forth, right to left) while the client thinks about the memory or event. This process helps individuals work through the memory and unpleasant emotions. EMDR is helpful for a variety of conditions, including trauma or PTSD, grief, phobias, pain, substance use disorder, and anxiety.

SE: Somatic Experiencing™
CCA has several SE Practitioners in Training available. Somatic Experiencing (SE™) is a body–mind therapy specifically focused on healing trauma by helping clients draw their attention to their bodies. SE aims to resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma. When we are stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze, SE helps release, recover, and become more resilient. It is a body-oriented therapeutic model for healing trauma and other stress disorders. The SE approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. It offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states.

Play Therapy & Children Services
CCA has several therapists who provide play therapy/specialize in working with children. Play therapy is when trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development" (Association for Play Therapy). Play therapists are trained in recognizing each child's developmental level and finding ways to best communicate and interact with children, using play. Play therapy is a useful intervention for a variety of behavioral problems and disorders, including anger, grief and loss, divorce, trauma, ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression.

Animal Assisted Therapy
CCA offers an Animal Assisted Therapy Program. The purpose of animal therapy is to improve client's social, emotional, and mental functioning with the support of animal. Animal Assisted therapy is available with Jill Robinson and dogs Mika, Biscuit, Ahri, and cat Todd, Sheena Kirkendoll and cats Niko and Remi, and Miranda Mathis and dog Cora. Mika, Biscuit, and Ahri are Siberian Huskies, Todd is a domestic cat, Niko and Remi are Bengal cats, and Cora is a Cavachon. Both Bengal cats are hypoallergenic, meaning those with feline allergies are unlikely to have a reaction. All animals are up to date on vaccinations, in good physical and behavioral health, and have approval from their veterinarian to participate in Animal Assisted Therapy. All animals are looking forward to providing therapy services. For more information on the animals, check out our their biography on our animal page.

Substance Use Disorder Therapy & Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Assessments
CCA has several licensed therapists who specialize in the field of addiction. These clinicians understand substance use disorder and work with clients to achieve their goals. Achieving and maintaining sobriety is a difficult journey but it can be accomplished! In sessions, our therapists help to identify triggers, develop healthy coping skills, repair damaged relationships, process past traumas, and most importantly assist with reclaiming self-worth and value. It is estimated 1 in 7 people abuse or are addicted to nicotine, alcohol or other drugs. This is more than the number of Americans with heart conditions, diabetes, or cancer. If you are struggling with substance use disorder, you are not alone! CCA is here to help! The first step is always the hardest. Click the link below to take that step. CCA has therapists certified to provide Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) assessments as stipulated by Department of Transportation regulations.

Adolescent Services
CCA offers therapy for adolescents and preteens. Teenage years are some of the toughest for many individuals. There are many sources of stress pertaining to peer relationships, school, home environment, bullying, concerns for the future, self-image, and social media. In addition, many teens are struggling with anxiety, depression, and self-harm. The therapists at CCA use modern approaches to connect with teens and help them make improvements in problem areas. If you feel your child will benefit from any of our services, click the link below to get started.

Sex Therapy
CCA offers sex therapy services on an individual basis or as a couple. This service uses a variety of sex therapy methods. Our therapists can assist those struggling with affair and trust recovery, compulsive sexual behavior, desire discrepancies, intimacy issues, infertility support and more. Sex is a basic human need, satisfaction in our intimate relationships and individual self can bring peace to our daily lives. If you would like to improve the quality of your relationship, let us assist you.

Telehealth/Virtual Therapy
Telehealth is an innovative web-based therapy option that allows our clients to attend sessions from the comfort of their own home. Our encrypted platform ensures the sessions are just as private as if you were in our office. With telehealth all you need is a smart phone, laptop, or tablet to access your therapist anytime, from anywhere.

LQBTQIA+ Therapy Services
CCA provides a safe and affirming space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, their family members and caregivers. Our compassionate and experienced therapists work to provide affirming therapy and offer a judgment-free environment where you can explore feelings, identity, and relationships. Whether you are seeking support for coming out, navigating gender identity, or addressing mental health concerns, CCA is here to help individuals embrace their authentic selves and lead a more fulfilling life. We understand the importance of working with family members and caregivers through this journey. Our therapists work to provide a judgment-free outlook for everyone willing to be involved in this empowering process.

Discounted Rate Internship Program
CCA currently partners with several local universities to provide internship opportunities for students interested in providing clinical services. These interns use experience gained from their education and observation of seasoned counselors at CCA to provide discounted counseling services. All interns are under direct clinical supervision with a CCA professional for the duration of the internship. This is a great option for individuals who may benefit from a discounted rate due to unexpected life circumstances, not having insurance, or insurance with a high deductible. The current discounted rate is $60.00-$65.00 per session.

EAP: Employee Assistance Programs
CCA offers our services through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). We are in contract with several local and national companies to offer behavioral health services to their employees with little to no cost to them. Contact your HR department today to see if your company participates in the Employee Assistance Program.

Schedule an Appointment
Locations in Missouri & Kansas
Email: connectccakc@gmail.com
Phone: (816) 781-8550